Letters or numbers? I’ve always had an affinity for both. Although as a journalist I ultimately opted for the alphabet, perhaps this is why I’m drawn to technical areas, to begin with. Grappling deeply within these fields of expertise and bringing topics not only to the point but into dialogue, is what keeps me inspired – and this is also my job as a Consultant at Sympra.
Entering into the world of corporate communications seemed to be the logical consequence of my journalism and business administration studies. Letters and numbers initially became scripture and project management with the public relations department of a full-service agency in Lindau. From Lake Constance, I continued along my path to Bozen, where I completed a trilingual master’s degree in economics, not only because I am passionate about Italy but also about cars. As an account director in Berlin and Stuttgart, I tended to customers in the automobile industry. In the corporate communications department of a mid-sized firm, my interest in technical topics became enhanced – the more complex, the better. Of particular interest to me are the people behind the scenes (companies), because it’s not just the “what,” but the “who,” “how” and “why” that makes a good story.