Sympra is a public relations agency based in Stuttgart with offices in Munich and Berlin. For our customers, we are consultants on all PR matters, with great design strengths and the power to implement our concepts. Our core skills include communication consultancy, media work, corporate publishing and digital communication – in Germany and worldwide. Taking an all-round analytical view and using it to develop and implement creative ideas and permanently effective PR strategies – these are our particular strengths. Our enthusiasm for intelligent communication, both internally and externally, makes it easy for us to stay focused with passion and precision even if the tasks facing us are highly complex. We don’t just look for a possible way out – we create a tailor-made solution. Because for us, successful communication is the pathway to the success of our customers, rather than being an end in itself. This is one of the reasons why no outcome is like any other for us. Our customers include publicly quoted corporations, medium-sized companies, public services, associations and foundations. They all encounter us in very different roles – we can be strategy developers, creativity and capacity enhancers, sparring partners or ideas generators for PR work, depending on requirements.
Ethical conduct has been part of Sympra’s guiding principles since our foundation in 1992. By signing their employment contract, all employees commit to the principles of loyalty towards clients and the public. With regard to cooperation with the media, we commit to compliance with the central standards and target values for PR and communications professionals defined in the Communications Code of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR). Those who violate them must expect disciplinary consequences, including termination of employment.
First and foremost, we consider the values of transparency, integrity, fairness, loyalty, and professionalism to be essential guiding principles for our actions – this also includes that the dissemination of false or misleading statements contradicts the requirement for truthfulness. Our ethical principles form the basis for all corporate decisions and are the guidelines for our social interaction. We have signed the “Diversity Charter” as a symbol of living diversity in the agency. We are a member of the Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit (WIN), an initiative within the sustainability strategy of the state of Baden-Württemberg, and are committed to sustainable business.
Not only are all our colleagues aware that these principles are important to us – we all work together to bring them to life every day.
We carry out all our work to the highest standards of quality. We are one of the first agencies in Germany to be certified under the international Consultancy Management Standard (CMS III).
A quality manual ensures that our processes are transparent: for both our employees and our clients. Mandatory compliance with the quality standards set here – whether this relates to precisely researched texts written for particular target groups or to dealing with partners, journalists, and service providers – forms the basis for our day-to-day work.
Every collaborative relationship is based on defined PR planning tailored to the needs of the client. Goals are laid out and procedures adopted; ultimately, the aim is always the evaluation of measurable results. We put our teams together on the basis of specialist knowledge and experience, rather than working capacity. And, with double leadership, you can be certain that you will always reach someone who can deal with you competently.
We have been working for many years with various partners in the fields of advertising, graphics, events, web design, photography, radio broadcasting, and film. Depending on the task at hand, we are part of our client’s network or responsible as the lead agency for making up the relevant team of experts. All our partners are carefully selected and comply both with their own and Sympra’s quality.
Since the establishment of the agency, we have continuously driven forward the expansion of our international agency contacts and, together with partners, founded the Public Relations Network (PRN) in 2005, which now has more than 25 agencies on all continents as members. Sympra’s Managing Director, Veit Mathauer, is Chairman of the PRN Board. Joint projects and regular meetings mean that the agency representatives know each other personally and are familiar with how their partners work.
Sympra and Sympra employees are members of various associations and initiatives. These memberships facilitate the transfer of expertise and exchange of information at an overarching level. Sympra is a member of the GPRA, the association of leading PR agencies in Germany, which underlines the high quality standards applied by our agency. As a founder member of the international Public Relations Network (PRN), Sympra, as a German partner, is able to access an efficient network of PR specialists throughout the world.
Sympra has been a member of the Gesellschaft der führenden PR- und Kommunikationsagenturen in Deutschland (GPRA), the association of leading PR agencies in Germany, since 2002. Membership is characterized by market credibility, the range of services offered, competence, compliance with performance processes, and evaluation of services, thus underscoring the high-quality standards of our agency.
In 2020, Sympra was certified under the international Consultancy Management Standard (CMS III), as one of the first agencies in Germany. The quality management system is geared to the specific requirements of communications agencies and their consultancy work. The certification attests to the fact that processes and working methods in a total of eight categories comply with international quality management standards.
Sympra has pre-qualified for AV-PQ, the official list of pre-qualified companies of the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The certificate confirms the expertise, efficiency, and reliability of a company and thus facilitates the application for public contracts.
Sympra gets involved. We are happy to pass on our expertise and experience to young people – to interns and trainees, whom we regularly train, and to students, to whom we provide insights into the world of PR in the form of lectures and seminars at various colleges and universities. In terms of social welfare, we are involved, for example, with the children’s cancer charity Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder e. V., based in Stuttgart, the Lions Clubs Stuttgart stem cell registration campaign and language courses for refugees. We also support the social entrepreneur Katrin Pütz with her biogas project in Ethiopia.