Sophie Tutzschke




I found my way to Sympra thanks to my enthusiasm for texts and languages. I’ve been devouring books for as long as I can remember; at school, I loved foreign languages and writing essays the most. My time as an ambassador for the “Mitmachen Ehrensache” campaign and my involvement in various projects at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy gave me early insights into the media landscape, where I moderated press events, conducted interviews and worked on film sets. After graduating from high school, I went to France, where I worked as a foreign language assistant at two schools and translated texts as a freelancer as well as the Netflix documentary “Dear Future Children”. This was followed by a degree in Romance and English Studies, where I was able to expand my foreign language skills and indulge my passion for literature. At the same time, I supported the public relations work of SimTech, a cluster of excellence for simulation technology at the University of Stuttgart. So I already know a little about topics that require a lot of explanation. This ultimately led me to a traineeship at Sympra, where I’m looking forward to an exciting and instructive time!